Interesting facts with photos that you can share on your favorite social outlet.
Astronomers think Neptune may have oceans that are made up of liquid diamonds.
Penguins can drink sea water. They have glands just above their eyes which remove salt from their blood and expel it out through their nose.
Hummingbirds can fly up, down, left, right, forward, backward, and upside down too!
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Doctors estimate that we have 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day.
Around 60 tons of cosmic dust falls down to Earth from outer space every day. Every breathing organism inhales some of this ancient dust, which long ago may have formed a star or a planet.
One pistachio tree can produce 50,000 nuts each year.
The planet Saturn has 62 moons. One of it's moons named Titan is the only one in our solar system known to have an atmosphere.
The human body cannot produce vitamin C, an essential nutrient. To ensure adequate levels of vitamin C it must be consumed daily.
The Burj Al Arab in Dubai is the worlds most luxurious hotel. A suite starts at $2000 and can cost upwards of $28,000 USD per night.
Grass is the most successful plant in the world covering more than 25% of land on Earth. It feeds more wild life than any other plant.
Rome, Italy is the city with the most fountains in the world, totaling more than 2000. The closest competitor is Kansas City, having 200 fountains.
Direct sunlight is essential for good health. Not receiving enough sunlight is a condition called mal-illumination, resulting in Vitamin D deficiency, and other health issues.
In space, astronauts eat tortillas instead of bread due to safety reasons. Bread crumbs could get loose and damage delicate equipment on the spacecraft.
It is estimated that 50 to 70 percent of all the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from algae and bacteria found in our oceans. Trees and plants only account for about 20% of the total oxygen produced.
The first man in space boarded the Russian spacecraft Vostok 1 in April 12, 1961 with a 50-50 chance of survival. The spacecraft orbited the earth for one hour and 48 minutes and returned successfully.
Monarch butterflies migrate every winter by flying more than 2500 miles, from Canada's side of Lake Huron, all the way down to Mexico. How they navigate is still an unsolved mystery.